Thursday 26 July 2012

Troubleshooting experimental problems in chemistry: An alternative to traditional practices, JM Merino and Ferrero-

Experimental activities as tools for learning content and procedures. The author calls them open pilot activities implemented in secondary schools
In science teaching approach involves three disciplines of education: conceptual, procedural (a set of procedures of science whose acquisition is part of the objectives of the curriculum) and attitudinal (set of attitudes to be adopted by the student is part of the objectives educational curriculum)
General objectives are promoted in the curriculum:
  Develop scientific curiosity
  Adopt critical and non-dogmatic attitude
  Gain respect for logical argument and developing such habits of a scientific reasoning.

For two decades, questions the use of experimental activities.
Factors contributing to failure of the experimental activities in secondary
- Disproportion between the perceptions of students and teachers regarding the purpose of a laboratory or activity
- Current laboratory activities do not allow students to solve problems through which knowledge is constructed.
- Little lab activity
- Students do not have opportunities for reflection and review
Study is the investigation of three dimensions:
) Conception is of teachers with respect to the experimental activities
II) conception held by students about the scientific method
III) design that transfers the literature


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